Monday, December 8, 2008

Taking it Off

I stepped off the limb and took the plunge into who I want to be. I have always fought with my weight and tried so many ways to lose the excess pounds. I always felt alone doing it and I think that is why I failed. Now as my friends get older, I am not alone in my quest or my anticipation of success.

To make it stick even more, I joined Weight Watchers today. I had done a very old WW plan more than 20 years ago and lost 40 pounds, plus the 150 from the ex-boyfriend who dumped me right before. I am at a similar crossroads. So I decided to just do it and treat myself. I love challenges and am excited about using my cooking skills to feed myself as the pounds shed away. Plus I got my bike up and running again tonight, a temporary fix since I think I need new tubes, but my short night-time ride was exhilarating. I am looking forward to tomorrow morning and going for a ride before work to get my blood (and metabolism) in gear.

I am hoping that WW will also give me the support of others to help me through this. It’s hard being alone and struggling with this, but I feel deep down that this is my time. I even made a vision board with images of working-out, healthy and slimmer versions of myself. The other half of that is to keep a positive attitude, which I am usually pretty good at. With just these two goal, I know I can succeed this year since usually I have several goals and only successfully complete two , so now I am on the right track.

It is an exciting time and I finally feel like I can be happy again. That could be the walks, rides and strength training I have been doing all weekend to combat the bad feelings. I am treating this like a part-time job, planning out what to eat for the week, how to keep it lively and how to adapt to any situation. I already feel thinner and healthier inside. I can also feel some of my old soul coming back, the part that housed hope.

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