Sunday, April 12, 2009

I Decided To Start My Own Traditions

“We decided to” is the theme for today, but I wanted to make it more personal and change it to “I decided to.” I decided to celebrate Easter my own way. Not much of a family person, I have created many of my own holiday traditions. As a child, Easter meant chasing my anticipation for eggs around the back yard, dew covering my feet and nightgown. My father did his best to make it a special day when I was growing up, but sometimes it was just him and I with a canned ham.

My teenage years were failed attempts at Lent restrictions and my step siblings and their families. In college, I actually did better with Lent giving up chocolate and drinking for those 40 days and nights all the while feeling superior in spirit and body on Easter Sunday – a sort of rebirth. (I did find out recently though that technically Lent ends on Maundy Thursday, the day of the Last Supper and not on Easter – thanks Renee who did great with giving up chocolate until that day.) Being as lapsed a Catholic as one can be, I no longer practice Lent, though it could be of value even on a secular level.

My favorite Easter was when Guy and I decided to go to Sunrise Service in Safety Harbor. We arose at o-dark-thirty (even before Jesus) and dressed in our Sunday best. After the service, we were wide awake and thought we would surprise Patrick, his roommate at the time with a wake-up call. No such luck. Patrick was awake, as was Diane, and they had already made a pitcher of bloody marys. We sipped the spiced concoction, ate chocolate Easter candy and watched Jerry Springer. Ever since that has been my favorite Easter tradition.

For this year I decided to lay low and do the food thing tomorrow since I am not fully risen myself.

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