Sunday, April 12, 2009

We Decided To Keep Hoping

Cold white room cluttered with tears,
Itching, waiting and wondering what to do next,
We are escorted into a cold white office,
And told the news,
“Your test is negative.”
Hugs, tears and striking one off the list,
No way to celebrate since the agony is fresh,
Then what is it?
24 hours an X-ray,
24 hours more cut it,
24 hours later cancer.
Every day into every night,
We decide to keep hoping.
One year chemo and sick,
Two years gaining weight and wishing,
Three years living life again,
Four years we’re almost there,
Five years back in the hospital.
Six years chemo again,
Seven years watched more carefully,
Eight years forgetting regrets,
Nine years almost alive almost dead,
Ten years trekking in Alaska,
Eleven years we beat the odds,
Twelve years going stronger than ever.
Because we decided to keep hoping.

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