Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Treasure of Playtime

My first snow person ... Isn't she lovely?
 For some reason as adults we forget about the importance of playtime. What we call “playtime” is usually when we are plugging into something, dropping out of something or disengaging. Playtime is what we do when we aren’t in Worktime.

Kids know that playtime is so much more than that. It’s the time when we engage in something that has no consequential outcome, no need to win all the time, and let’s us experience a simpler life.
Out playing on a snowy day
 Invite some friends over to play cards (like our parents and grandparents used to do), get out a board game and play with your kids, play catch with your loved one, build a snowman, make a sandcastle, color a picture (with crayons). Be in the moment and just play.

My favorite card game ... for now
My Favorite Playtime Activities:
1.     Nertz (it’s competitive solitaire and I’m a sure winner when I play Guy – so I am a little competitive)
2.     Skip-Bo (great card game)
3.     Uno (who doesn’t love screaming “Uno”?)
4.     Risk (taking over the world has never been so much fun)
5.     Trivial Pursuit (great for the memory)
6.     Monopoly (a classic that everyone can enjoy – I like being the Scottie dog)
7.     Yahtzee (I played this game for a whole summer when I was a kid)
8.     500 Rummy (a few hours of fun)
9.     Snow tubing (my new favorite thing to do during the winter)
10. Building snow people (something also new)
11. Coloring with crayons or markers (it helps release the artist inside)
12. 20 questions (ask me another)

What’s your favorite way to Play Time?

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